Friday 18 September 2015

Merits and Demerits of Microwave Communication

Merits and Demerits of Microwave Communication Points : merits and demerits of microwave communication Merits a. Capital cost is generally lower.
b. Installation is quicker and easier.
c. Additional service may be provided quickly and cheaply.
d. Irregular ground difficulties are overcome.
e. Equalization need only be applied for the equipment as the frequency characteristics of the transmission path are essentially constant over the transmission bandwidths.
f. Repeater spacing may be increased by increasing tower heights.
Demerits a. Restriction to line-of-sight operation on conventional links. b. The problem of suitable access to repeater stations from main highways and provision of accommodation for maintenance.
c. The provision of power supplies for the repeaters.
d. It is difficult to provide short distance branch circuits to intermediate exchanges or subscribers.
e. Adverse weather conditions can cause severe fading and beam bending.
f. The high level of linearity required in the repeaters poses a severe design problem.

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