Simplex Wave WindingPoints : Simplex Wave WindingIt is clear that in lap winding, a conductor (or coil side) under one pole is connected at the back to a conductor which
occupies an almost corresponding position under the next pole of opposite, polarity (as conductors 3 and 12). Conductor
No 12 is then connected to concutor No. 5 under the original pole but which is a little removed from the initial conductor
No. 3. If, instead of returning to the same N-pole, the conductor No. 12 were taken forward to the next N-pole, it would
make no difference so far as the direction and magnitude of the e.m.f. induced in the circuit are concerned.
Conductor AB is connected to CD lying under S-pole and then to EF under the next N-pole. In this way, the winding
progresses, passing successively under every N-pole and S-pole till it remains to a conductor A’B’ lying under the original
pole. Because the winding progresses in one direction round the armature in a series of ‘waves’, it is known as wave
winding. If, after passing once round the armature, the winding falls in a slot to the left of its starting point A’B’ then the
winding is said to be retrogressive. If, however, it falls one slot to the right, then it is progressive.
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