Sunday 5 July 2015

Single and Double Current Morse Code System

Single and Double Current Morse Code System Points : single and double current morse code system The Morse code system may be either single current or double current. In the single current system single battery is used. The current on the line flows only in one direction. There is current on the line when dot or dash is transmitted and no current when neither dot nor dash is transmitted. The advantage of single current system is low power consumption. However, the flow of current is slower and thus is a disadvantage. In the double current system two batteries of opposite polarities are used. There is always current on the line, which may be either positive or negative. For dot or dash the current on the line is positive while for space it is negative. The double current system is more sensitive and speedier than the single current system. The following illustration shows waveforms of current on the line for the words “USE OF CODE”.

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