Tuesday 7 July 2015

Merits and Demerits of Machine Telegraphy

Merits and Demerits of Machine Telegraphy Points : Merits and Demerits of Machine Telegraphy, advantages and disadvantages of Machine Telegraphy Merits 1. The machine telegraph uses the equal length code.
2. The synchronization of the sending and receiving mechanism is made with the help of start-stop signals.
3. The machine telegraphy is speedier and efficient.
4. In machine telegraphy a local record of the message can be typed on plain paper as well as on perforated tape in the coded form.
5. With the rapidly increasing telegraph traffic the manual telegraphy proved inadequate. The machine telegraphy increases the traffic handling capacity of the line.
6. With start-stop mechanism the machine can go out of synchronism only for one character because each character is independent of the previous one.
Demerits 1. In machine telegraphy any disturbance on line upsets the synchronism.
2. The speeds of transmitter and receiver are to be kept within close limits.
3. Speed of signal transmission through manual means is limited by speed of keyboard operation by the operator.
4. The transmission media also introduces some amount of distortions.

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