Thursday 3 December 2015

Electric Service Connections / Service Line

Electric Service Connections / Service Line Points : Electric Service Connections / Service Line, Service Line: Power is transmitted from generating station or substation to the place of public utility by means of transmission lines and there from power is further distributed by means of distributors or distributing lines. The consumers are supplied with power by taking connections (tappings) from distributing lines use of cables (surface or underground) and some times overhead lines when distance of consumer’s premises from the nearest distribution line support exceeds 45 meters) is made.

The overhead line or cable connecting the supplier’s distributor Line to the consumer’s is called the service line. The service connection terminates at the point, where they supply conductors enter the meter. As mentioned above, for service line either use of overhead line or of underground cable can be made so the service lines arc of two types namely (i) Overhead and (ii) Underground service lines. Overhead service line is further sub-divided on the basis of the wires coming through the conduits or with the help of a service entrance cable. For overhead service connection by bare conductor use of all aluminum stranded conductor (A A C), A C S R conductor or hard drawn copper (now-a-days rarely used because of higher cost) of different sizes is made according to the load of the consumer. For copper conductor minimum size used in 10 SWG provided the load does not exceed 1 kw.

Use of 8 SWG copper conductor or 13.9 mm2 A A C or A C S R is made for connecting domestic and commercial premises provided the load does not exceed 2.5 kw (light and fan load) and 2.5 kW in case of power. For connecting power load upto 12 kW use of 6 SWG copper conductor or 19.4 mm2 A A C or A C S R is made. The weather proof or P V C cables of aluminium core (rarely of copper core) are used for cable service connection 3”2 core I trapdoor cable is used for underground service connections.

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