Stroboscopic Method of Speed Measurement
Stroboscopic Method of Speed Measurement
Points : Stroboscopic Method of Speed Measurement
The stroboscope is a simple, portable manually operated device which may be used for measurement of periodic or
rotary motions. Basically, the instrument is a source of variable frequency flashing brilliant light, the flashing
frequency being set by the operator. The circuit used is based upon variable frequency oscillator which controls
the flashing frequency. The speed is measured by adjusting the frequency so that the moving objects are visible
only at specific intervals of time. The method of use of the stroboscope depends upon imperfect dynamic response
of the human eye. If a strong light is caused to flash on a moving object which, at the time of each flash occurs,
occupies a given position, the object will appear to be stationary. The stroboscope consists of a source of
flashing light whose frequency can be varied and controlled. This source is called “strobotron”.
Shaft Speed Measurement
A distinctive mark is made on the shaft or on a disc attached to the shaft as shown. A stroboscope is made to
flash light directly on the mark. The flashing frequency is adjusted until the mark appears stationary. Under
these conditions, the speed is equal to the flashing frequency provided that the approximate speed of the shaft is
known in advance and the flashing frequency is not allowed to depart too much away from this value.
The scale of the stroboscope is calibrated in terms of speed which can be directly read off.
Copied from A.K.Sawhney -_-