Friday 7 August 2015

Gate Way Exchange

Gate Way Exchange Points : gate way exchange, program Gateway exchange is centre at which international exchange multiplex equipment and auxiliary equipment for international telephone and/or telegraph, Telex data, Television and Facsimile are located. The gateway exchange is an international transit exchange (A transit exchange is that to which no subscribers arc connected directly hut it serves as switching centres among different exchanges, it also serves as tandem exchange), to which different transit exchanges are connected. The gateway exchange connects the subscribers to an exchange outside the country.

All international trunks of a country are connected to the gateway exchange. The international trunks are brought to the international gateway from their points of arrival, by cable transmission systems and line-of-sight microwave radio systems.

The international exchange perform the following Iwo functions:
(a) International gateway: providing a means of connecting calls from the national system of a country to the international network.
(b) Trunk exchange: It acts as a trunk exchange for calls connected between other countries.
The block diagram of a call from country A to country 13 may be connected over the international gateway exchange are shown.

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