Saturday 8 August 2015

Audio Conferencing

Audio Conferencing Points : audio conferencing definition Teleconference is a term used for various categories of electronic meetings and events ranging from audio conferences to videoconferences.

Audioconferencing is a form of teleconference. In an audioconference individuals at two or more sites can speak to and hear each other. An Audioconferencing is an extended telephone conversation, in which instead of talking with only one person. one can talk with several or more people. In the operation of audioconferencing, multiple sites are connected through a teleconference bridge.

The audioconferencing is a satisfactory means of communication and is relatively inexpensive and can be used in many situations like journalism, business meetings and political campaigns.

In fig, audioconference network has been shown. In this network lour parties have been connected with each other through the bridge circuit. The number of the parties can be increased to many. Each party sends its signal to the bridge and receives the audio signals of the others simultaneously with the help of Teleconference Bridge. In this way, all the parties at different sites can speak to and hear each other. Thus an audio conference is established between them.

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