Wednesday 3 June 2015

Procedure of Wiring Circuit

Procedure of Wiring Circuit Points : Procedure of Wiring Circuit Do the practical work as following.
1. Prepare the layout on hoard according to circuit diagram.
2. Put the batin pieces on board with the help 37mm (1.5 inch)
3. Cut the batin pieces in longitudinal section with the help of services.
4. Put the clinon batin at a suitable distance with the help of wire nail the distance b/w clip should not be more than 10cm and less than 5cm.
5. Fix the wire in clips according to circuit.
6. In round blocks (Place a spot of 13ml width equal to the length of batin and with the help of chisel remove the entrapieces.
7. Make holes in hoard and round block for passing the wires.
8. Fix switch and holder on board or round block.
9. After passing the wires from the round block remove insulation and clean it.
10. Complete the connection a/c to circuit diagram.
11. Fix the round block with the help 63ml (2.5 inch) screw.
12. Before supplying check the connection with your instructors.
13. On the switch supplying 220 volt A.C. on switching lamp blow and off by closing switch.
14. Check the switch by off and on of circuit.

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