Wednesday 10 June 2015

Flasher for Moving Lights

Flasher for Moving Lights Points : flasher for moving lights For decoration purposes in marriages etc., moving lights are used. The moving effect is usually obtained by means of a flasher, which consists of a wooden cylinder which rotates into the two ball bearings at the two ends. The wooden cylinder is connected to the motor through a belt or a coupling. The speed of the motor and the selection of pulley should he so made that the wooden cylinder rotates at about 100 r.p.m. On the wooden cylinder is provided, a copper ring (to which the live wire is connected and each end of these segments is permanently connected to the copper ring:

As this cylinder rotates, these three segments make contact alternately with the brushes 1.2 and 3 in turn. The brush No.1 is connected to lamps L,, the brushes No.2 and 3 are connected the copper segment No.1 makes contact with the brush No.1, it Lights all the lamps L1. As the cylinder rotates through 1/3rd of the revolution the circuit No.1 goes off and just at the same instant circuit No.2 becomes alive and lights all the lamp L2, and after a further 1/3 of the revolution the circuit No.3 becomes alive and lights all the lamps L3 and in such a system of lighting, the lamps circuit is repeated and it so appears that the lights move from right to left;

Such moving effects of lights can be used to show Waving Flag, Flickering light or Lighting etc.

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