Wednesday 17 June 2015

Electrical Hazards in Industrial Systems

Electrical Hazards in Industrial Systems Points : electrical hazards in industrial systems
Hazards in Electrical
Incidence, Condition
1.Person touches live conductor or charged conductorElectric shock
2.Person touches faulted structure or any metal partElectric shock
3.Person touches faulted equipment enclosureElectric shock
4.Person places ladder or metal rod near live conductor.Electric shock flashover fault
5.Person carries metal rod/tool in clearance zoneElectric shock flashover fault
6.Person touches pre-charge capacitor or conductorElectric shock
7.Person using tool cuts insulation of live cableElectric shock flashover fault
8.Person falls down from heightInjury
9.Person falls in trench manholeInjury
10.Explosion Of porcelain enclosed equipmentInjury, Fire-oil filled equipment destruction
11.Explosion in oil filled power transformer, fire in cable trenchFire, destruction, outage
12.Lighting stroke on tower/earth wire/conductor/structure/equipmentFlashover, Failure
13.Rotating shafts/flanges without protection coverAccident
14.Unearthed rotating equipment bodyShock
15.Loose hardware in current circuit leads to melting, faults and firesEquipment failure and fault
16.Faults in power cable due to overheat, insulation failure, over voltageCable burst, fire, outage
17.Fault and fire in cable due to breaking of conductorCable burst, fire, outage.
18.Electric potential through wet walls, metal partsLeakage current though wet wall metal parts

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