Shunt Type Ohmmeter
Shunt Type Ohmmeter
Points : Shunt Type Ohmmeter
The circuit diagram of a shunt type ohmmeter is shown. In this instrument a battery is connected in series with a
D, Arsonval galvanometer and an adjustable resistor Rse. The resistance under test is connected across
the terminals A and B in parallel to the meter. In this circuit it is necessary to provide a on-off switch in
order to keep battery from running down when the instrument is not in use. When terminals A and B are shorted i.e.
when Rx = 0, the meter current is zero, and if R is removed i.e. when Rx, the pointer rises
on the scale and can be adjusted to the full scale point by proper selection of the Resistance Rse So
this ohmmeter, accordingly has zero mark at the left and mark at the right of the scale which is just opposite to
the series type ohmmeter.
The distribution of scale marking is almost linear in the lower part and it becomes progressively more crowded as
R increases.
Half full scale reading will be when
Rh = Rse Rm/ Rse + Rm
This type of ohmmeter is particularly suited for measurement of low values of resistances.

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