Current Transformer Effect of secondary open circuit
Current Transformer Effect of secondary open circuit
Points : Current Transformer Effect of secondary open circuit
It is worth noting that ammeter resistance being extremely low, a current transformer operates with its
secondary under nearly short-circuits conditions. Would it be necessary to remove the ammeter or the
current coils of the wait meter or a relay, the secondary winding must, first of all, he short circuited
before the instrument is disconnected. If it is not done, then due to absence of counter ampere-turn of the
secondary, the unopposed primary emf will set up an abnormally high flux in the core which will produce
excessive core less with subsequent heating of core and damage to the transformer insulation and a high
voltage across the secondary terminals. This is not the case with the ordinary constant-potential
transformers because their primary current is determined by the load on their secondary whereas in a
“C.T.”, the primary current determined entirely by the load on the system and not by the load on its own
secondary. Hence, the secondary of a “C.T.” should never be left open under any circumstances.

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